When you’re on the fence about calling a residential roofer, it can be hard to sort through the half-truths, outright lies, and ridiculous myths about roofing. We’ve heard them all, and we’re here to help you sort through them! Here are some of the most common myths we’ve heard about roofing teams and brief explanations of why they’re not true.
You’ve probably heard it a thousand times in your life: inexpensive materials make for poor roofs. However, that’s not always true. Asphalt shingles may be inexpensive, but they can also have a long lifespan. Other materials may last longer, but they cost more money. They’re typically best for those people who plan to live at their current home for the rest of their lives.
Residential roofers hear it all the time: “My friend says that all roofing materials are the same, so why should I spend a lot of money?” Although it may seem like all roofing materials could do the same thing, that is not the case. Rubber roofing is another durable, long-lasting material at a reasonable cost. It's easy to maintain and offers a variety of other benefits compared to other materials. Each of these materials offers different stylistic options as well.
Some people may think their homes do not need gutters installed, but that is not the truth. Gutters redirect rainwater away from your roof and property to decrease water damage. The rainwater goes into downspouts. These downspouts usually redirect the water into drainage systems. According to This Old House, one inch of rainfall on an average-sized roof can bring 1,900 gallons of water into your gutters. That being said, you cannot afford to not have gutters installed. If you have gutters, your home will reap the benefits by having less water damage, mold, and mildew. If you need new gutters installed, contact our residential roofer.
The best roof inspections spot potential problems quickly and efficiently, and they must be done more often than after a storm. Winter weather and thunderstorms do serious damage to your roofs, and inspections can spot these issues earlier. Schedule an inspection at least once a year. Yearly inspections make it easier to spot this damage and fix it quickly. However, you might even want to schedule two inspections per year. We suggest hiring a roof inspector before and after winter. That’s when the most damage can occur and affect your home quality.
Look, we get it; you probably spotted a leak in your home very fast. Finding the place of origin of the leak is more difficult. Leaks typically go through a complex journey in your roofing, which is hard to spot for many homeowners. In some cases, a leak on one side of the house may originate on the opposite side, leading to lots of confusion. Trust your roofers when they say a comprehensive leak inspection can help. These roofers will work diligently to inspect, locate, and fix your leaks.
Homeowners may feel compelled to attempt repairs themselves, but they may quickly realize that the damage is too complex for them. Hiring professional residential roofers will ensure that the problem is resolved the first time. They have the knowledge and experience to figure out what the problem is and resolve it. Roofers also have the right tools and equipment for the job. Trying to handle roofing repairs or installations yourself will result in errors; it’s inevitable. Even worse, you’ll need to pay more to fix your mistakes than you would if you hired professionals in the first place.
As you can see, there are many myths about residential roofers, but they are easily debunked. These professionals have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to complete quality installations, repairs, and gutter work, too. Avoiding DIY work is essential to saving money and time in the long run. Working with a residential roofer can help you spot issues and minimize potential problems. When you need a reliable residential roofer, don't hesitate to contact Bill Blanck Home Improvements LLC. Our team cannot wait to assist you.
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Suite F
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
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