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Why You Should Never Attempt Roof Repairs Yourself

February 19, 2024

As a homeowner, you want to take good care of your most valuable investment, which is your house. When something goes wrong, your instinct may be to try fixing it yourself to save money. However, roof repairs are risky and best left to the professionals. Attempting DIY roofing repairs can lead to much bigger problems down the road. Here's why you should never try to fix your own roof.

It Has Risks That Are Too High

One reason you should avoid DIY roof repairs is that roofers use special safety equipment that you likely don't have. Working on rooftops can be dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 500 people die and over 165,000 have home construction injuries per year in the United States. Falls are the leading cause of death in construction. Without proper safety training and harnessing, you risk permanently injuring yourself with a dangerous fall. The potential harm is not worth it. Leave it to the seasoned roofers.

It Requires the Right Tools

To do the job properly and safely, roofers use all sorts of specialty tools you probably don't have. They may use ladders, harnesses, electric nail guns, utility knives, pry bars, and more. If you attempt roof repairs without the proper tools, then you'll likely just cause more damage and problems in the long run. For quality results, you need the right tools for the task, which the roofers already own. Don't waste money buying tools for a one-time DIY disaster.

It Can Cause Long-Term Damage

Even if you successfully patch that leak, you may cause other problems in the process that will rear their ugly heads down the road. Attempting complex roof repairs without proper training means you probably violated building codes and compromised the structural integrity or protective efficiencies of your roof in some way. According to SamCar, 3-tab asphalt shingles last 15 to 20 years. A bad DIY job can shorten the lifespan of this or other types of roofs significantly. This could cause moisture buildup, mold growth, rotting wood, holes, and all sorts of other long-term damage that is extremely costly to repair later. Prevent this by hiring professional roofers.

It Takes Special Know-How

Installing and repairing rooftops is not a simple task. Professional roofers attend vocational classes, receive on-the-job training under expert supervision, and often pursue additional certifications over many years to refine their specialized skill set. Value experience and let the roofers handle it. This is why it's so important that you hire a local roofing company for any of your roofing needs.

It Won't Actually Save Money

Those DIY videos make repairs look quick, easy, and cheap. Don't buy into it! Once you factor in rental equipment fees, multiple trips to the hardware store for supplies, gallons of wasted sealant for mistakes made, possible hospital bills for injuries, and huge future repair costs for problems caused, you did not save one dime with your DIY disaster. Pay once for a roofer's quality work so you don't pay tenfold down the road.

It's Not Covered by Warranties

If you DIY roof repairs and something goes wrong a few weeks later, you won't be covered by a warranty. Professional roofers provide warranties ensuring quality standards and fixing any issues down the road. Don't take the risk of not having a roof that's covered.

It May Violate Insurance or Local Regulations

Before offering insurance or permits, home insurers and city code inspectors want verification that any roofing work performed meets all building codes and standards. These requirements often specify that a licensed contractor handles the job. If you fail to obtain permits or do work up to code, then you may have to tear off and re-do the whole repair at your own cost if you get caught. Save yourself headaches and stick with roofers.

While that minor roof repair project may look simple, residential roofing requires special tools, safety knowledge, construction skills, and technical building expertise to perform correctly. Don't let overconfidence trick you into thinking you can safely DIY such a complex, risky job. Prevent injury, save money on repairs, and avoid liability down the road by hiring local professional roofers you can trust. Investing in quality work now saves you money in the long run. If you need roof repairs completed, then reach out to us today at Bill Blanck Home Improvements LLC. Let us help you with your roofing needs.

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